Tag Archives: configuration

Setting up the SILCAWL to elicit in a non-English language in WeSay

I blogged before (a decade ago!) about adding new tasks to WeSay,  and just today was setting up someone, and realized I’d missed documenting something.

Typically we assume settings in <lift file base name>.WeSayConfig determine things, but not for the SIL Comparative African Wordlist (SILCAWL). That is, the ‘en’ value here doesn’t do anything:


In the config tool under the SIL-CALW wordlist Task, it says:

WeSay will use the top-most input system of the definition field to choose the prompting language (only English and French are available at this time).

This “top-most”, critically, is the topmost language in the settings for the definition field, here:

If you don’t have a language selected that is actually in your lift database (the wordlist you are trying to fill out), you will get this errorː

So to elicit in a language other then English or French, make sure that is in the lexeme-unit/form field in your lift database.

If you have other gloss languages (like Hausa) in your LIFT database, you can elicit from those, too —so long as a lexeme-unit/form language isn’t also selected in the definition input languages. But note that the interface isn’t as pretty (pay attention to the red circled area, not the long list of ?NoGlossOrDef? values…

New Wesay Tasks II –Parsing and Tone

Having found out how to configure and add new tasks in WeSay, I can now make some serious changes to my workflow (read: I can actually have people do some of their own data entry and parsing!)

The following task is a follow-up to the one presented here, where the root and meaning were visible but not editable, helping a non-linguist focus on adding plural forms to his dictionary –based on those visible but not editable fields. In this next task, the plural form forms a basis for parsing the root, so the plural and definition fields are visible but the only editable fields are root (EntryLexicalForm, default English label ‘Word’) and citation form. This allows the non-linguist to copy the form from the root field to the citation form field, and remove affixes from the root.
This task is slightly unideal in that it doesn’t know if a word has been parsed yet, or not. It checks for the presence of a citation field (which is usually only made in this kind of process), but it doesn’t know if, for instance, you have a mono-morphemic word which is pronounceable as is (i.e., standard lexicography practice would be to not have a citation field), and it would think that that word was still “to do.”

Here is my new root parser task:

<longLabel>Parse Roots</longLabel>
<description>Move citation info to Citation form field, leave roots in root field.</description>
<showFields>EntryLexicalForm, citation</showFields>
<readOnly>Plural, definition</readOnly>
<writingSystemsToMatch />
<writingSystemsWhichAreRequired />

While I was at it, I made another task to help populate the “Tone” field. Too bad I can’t get WeSay and FLEx to agree on a writing system to restrict the characters here, so we’re likely to get a lot of malformed data here. But it should be a place to start. Anyway, here it is:

<longLabel>Add Tone Info</longLabel>
<description>Input tone information for each record.</description>
<readOnly>Plural, citation, definition</readOnly>
<writingSystemsToMatch />
<writingSystemsWhichAreRequired />

This gives me a new desktop:

And a new parsing task:

And a new Tone input task:

And the nice thing about tasks in WeSay, is that you can enable just the ones relevant to the task at hand, to simplify the UI. Which means that I can put all these in my new default project, and leave them disabled (<task taskName=”AddMissingInfo” visible=”false”>, or unticking them in the config) until we need them.
I’ve already shared my dream, but in the mean time, this gets us a lot closer do doing low-level language development in WeSay.

New Wesay Tasks

I found out today that the tasks in WeSay are more configurable than I had thought. I add a “Plural” field to any language project I work in, but until today we have been stuck inputting that either in FLEx (i.e., by me) or in “Dictionary Browse & Edit,” which is unideal at best.
Looking at the config file (in a text editor — make a copy first, etc.!), there are a number of <task/> nodes, several of which have the taskName attribute of “AddMissingInfo.” This appears to be a generic task (unlike some of the others), that comes with a number of options, and can be used multiple times.
In addition to the labeling, there is a field it checks for (if that field is populated, the record doesn’t show in the task), fields it shows as editable, and fields that are shown, but not editable. I don’t know what the last two do, since they are always empty nodes (in all the tasks in my config, anyway). I found out (by trying) that if you tell it to look for a field that isn’t there, it will crash (so make your new fields, then the tasks to add them). I think if you tell it to display a field that isn’t there, it simply won’t. Here is my task node for the new “Add Plurals” task from my config file:

<longLabel>Add Plurals</longLabel>
<description>Add plural forms to entries where they are missing.</description>
<readOnly>definition, EntryLexicalForm, citation</readOnly>
<writingSystemsToMatch />
<writingSystemsWhichAreRequired />
Here is the new desktop:

and Here is the page for the new task: